NED FLANDERS: We want you to teach alternative theories to Darwinian evolution. MELVIN VAN HORNE: Why does every church meeting end this way?ĮDIT: Confrontation in Principal Seymour Skinner’s office: REVEREND TIMOTHY LOVEJOY: I'll be a white Al Sharpton. HELEN LOVEJOY: Evolution is the hot-button issue. our membership has been dwindling since those Episcopalians put in those vibrating pews. HELEN LOVEJOY: Tim, this controversy could put more meat in the seats. REVEREND TIMOTHY LOVEJOY: I mean, come on. REVEREND TIMOTHY LOVEJOY: Ned, you've got to take this thing with a grain of salt. NED FLANDERS: Even though there's nothing about it in the bible. NED FLANDERS: They're telling people we're descended from a pack of apes. NED FLANDERS: Stop praying to that stork!ĮDIT: Sign: First church of Springfield / Today: Church council meeting / Topic: religion TODD FLANDERS (Kneeling beside a statue of a stork): Please bless daddy and mommy. NED FLANDERS: There's no such thing as storks! It's all God. NED FLANDERS: Umm … that was God disguised as a stork. TODD FLANDERS: But you said a stork brought me. NED FLANDERS: No one was ever a monkey! Everything is what it was and always will be! God put us here and that's that. TODD FLANDERS: Daddy, was mommy a monkey? I can't remember. NED FLANDERS: My most cherished beliefs, a myth? NED FLANDERS: How can you put up an exhibit on the origin of man and not have one mention of the bible?ĮDIT: Song: What a fool believes. Uses his hands to cover his children eyes. MUSEUM OFFICIAL: But you can all feel free to enjoy the rest of the museum.ĮDIT: Ned Flanders sees signs "MEN’S EARLY ANCESTORS", "INDISPUTABLE FOSSIL RECORDS", "UNISEX BATHROOM" and is shocked, and MUSEUM OFFICIAL: Sorry, folks, the weapons exhibit is now´closed for the day. 377) / First Aired: / Season: 17 Episode: 21 She is arrested for "teaching non-Biblical science" and a two day trial starts. She soon organizes an underground evolution class, and all hell breaks loose. This sets up a classic tug-of-war between him and more liberal thinkers - the foremost being Lisa Simpsons.

Flanders starts a campaign to have creationism taught in science class at the local school. The Springfield museum is promoting the theory of evolution (one exhibit is labeled "indisputable fossil records"). Summary: When devout Christian Ned Flanders visits a museum, together with the Simpson family, he is shocked. Theory of Evolution are about to perform. Althoug taken from a comedy series (or because), this small dialog is a wonderful "real-world" example, of how discussions about the