Looking back from the perspective of my long years of political awareness, I can without hesitation say I have never seen our country so dived against itself as we are presently. I could not, of course, keep my opinions to myself-a circumstance that did not endear me to my family and many of my friends. During those early years, I came to the intellectual conclusion that segregation/racism was immoral and a waste of our resources. Ralph McGill, best known as an anti-segregationist editor and publisher of the Constitution, greatly influenced my political understanding. Generally, I read copies of each paper every day. I always managed to secure an extra free copy of the Constitution from the local newspaper distributor. I became politically aware in Junior High School when I delivered approximately 100 copies of the afternoon Atlanta Journal before it combined with the morning Atlanta Constitution. those with profound antagonism toward him? socialists, and pro-supporters of President Trump vs.

What line should those of us not in the military hold in this time of national division with approximately half of our citizens divided against the other half, e.g. That is the task of the United States Military. As a corollary, we may accept he was telling his troops to be ready to wreak unrelenting havoc upon our enemies. Mattis referring? We may reasonably infer he was telling his troops to defend our homeland and vital interests abroad without worrying about the political implications. You just hold the line until our country gets back to understanding and respecting each other and showing it.” James Mattis’ remarks to his troops about “holding the line” are inspiring: “Our country right now, it’s got problems we don’t have in the military. The non-military meaning today alludes to maintaining the existing position or state of affairs. We Hold the Line is a production by Berlin-based Dreamer Joint Venture Filmproduktion, and German company Magnetfilm has the international rights.The term, hold the line, originally referred to military tactics in which a line of troops was supposed to prevent an enemy breakthrough. On top of that, the scale of the documentary, and thus the viewer's perception of the importance of the subject matter, is boosted not only by Ressa's journalistic stature, but also her testimony in front of the Canadian Parliament's International Grand Committee on Big Data, Privacy and Democracy. The pulsing, tense score by Hannes Bieber, which also incorporates the eerie electronic improvisation "Glass" by Alva Noto and Ryuichi Sakamoto, plays a crucial role in augmenting the feeling of the topic's urgency. We Hold the Line has a definite thriller vibe, built through a combination of interviews and dramatic scenes from the streets of Manila, both those filmed directly for this documentary and those found on surveillance tapes and occasional smartphone footage from witnesses of various bloody events.

A suspenseful sequence near the end of the film shows how an online trolling harangue easily spills over into real life in the atmosphere of fear created by Duterte and his administration. An experienced, uncompromising, fully dedicated journalist, she speaks calmly and clearly despite the psychological warfare she and her colleagues from Rappler are subjected to. The film does have a somewhat fragmentary feel owing to the wide variety of protagonists, but Ressa herself also serves as the connecting tissue between various segments. In addition to the senator, Ressa and another Rappler journalist, three killers, hidden behind masks, who are either working alone or belong to one of the death squads that are not officially connected to the police but are effectively controlled and paid by the government, reveal brief but very specific details about their methods and the system that they are a part of. Wiese's thriller-like documentary covers a wide ground through only half a dozen interviewees. A senator interviewed in Wiese's film, whose office is equipped with bullet-proof glass and curtains, indicates that Duterte's son Mario could be a key figure in the drug-smuggling business, which moved from the port city of Davao, where the current president used to be the mayor, straight into Manila as he came into power. On the other hand, however, the inevitable connection between the state and organised crime is something that the US example and Duterte's rule have in common. His "anti-drug" policy is well known and notorious, and as seen recently in the IDFA title Aswang, it is on one hand a far cry from, say, Reagan's war on drugs in the 1980s, as the Filipino leader not only directly targets the dealers and pushers, but actually straight-out kills drug users. Clearly, Duterte was not just talking the populistic strongman talk that many right-wing leaders around the world use to get votes – he meant it literally.